So, what are peoples opinions here on yiffing while wearing a fursuit?
Mine is: Yes, absolutely. But I'm weird. I was into cosplay first, and discovered by accident that if I wore a very tight fursuit (shiny spandex; nothing at all like your standard baggy shaggy fursuit), a small but sufficient number of women who had ignored me in my civvies would chase, grope, and proposition me. But with my mask on, they couldn't tell who I was, so nothing could embarrass me.
I'm a different person with the mask. No one can tell I'm a nerd by looking at my body. I can act like an animal or a sex object without self-consciousness. It liberates me from self-constraints I didn't know I had. I'm genuinely sexy in the mask, but when I take it off I'm just me again, self-conscious and awkward. It is almost lycanthropy.
Plus, it takes about an hour just to remove my costume and put it back on. So, not very spontaneous.
The problem is that, to keep that liberating sense of being someone else, I keep the circles of people who know my face, and people who know me in my mask, mostly separate. So my masked encounters haven't turned into LTRs; and I haven't really explored my kinks, because the local scene requires showing a government ID to attend their events. I find it weird that the BDSM community is the only aggressively anti-anonymity community I've ever encountered.
Though, come to think of it, I've also been to a furry convention and an anime convention that required government ID. Why is it the alt communities that are emulating the surveillance state?