Hello Kinktalk community. I'm loving this platform. Yesterday I clamped my nipples for 2 hours for first time in my life. My nipples are very sore I can barely touch then right now. But if you demand I can torture them more to the point where I cannot stop thinking about the pain. I have household items like clothespin, toothpaste, brush, wooden spoon, steel scale, icy hot. My limits :- Blood. If you want I can post my results in Snapchat. Please I desperately want your ideas of torturing my swollen red tits. They're already in so much pain, dare to add more to it, now that you've the right to do it. Go harsh on me please. I cannot even touch my nipples right now they are so so swollen. Here is my chance to test my pain tolerance and your chance to be creative and be harsh on a pathetic girl like me.