WAP, for real

Doctor Pervert

  • Straight
  • Male
  • Private
May 19, 2013
Hello minions!
Yes I'm back in action (fingers crossed) at least for a while. Very pleased to see the Tits out Tuesday thread getting some traction, thanks to @nina for kicking it up and @submissivegal87 for the first entry. C'mon all you northern hemisphere gals, its still summer so how about letting the puppies loose next Tuesday?

Recently I've been having a good chuckle at all the outrage caused by the Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion song WAP in the news. And it got me thinking that the good (and bad) girls of Kink Talk are sure to have plenty of WAP so how about a WAP contest?

The idea would be pretty simple, enter a photo of your WAP and the kinky folk here will judge the best or wettest.
To keep things fair lets add a couple of rules;
  1. the photo must be your WAP.
  2. no face in the pic unless you're verified.
I also think it might be fun to have two categories, one will be naked the other wearing panties so we can see just how much of a "problem" your WAP is.

You can post your entry directly here in this thread or create an album and add the link to it here so you get included in voting.

To vote simply hit "like" and feel free to comment also.

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