Why does KT seem like a desert 24/7?


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Aug 26, 2024
I look at posts not just my own looking for some banter in them but most of them are like posting to an unoccupied house - I dont understand how there are so many that get looked at by 100's or even thousands but there are relatively few (if any) responses even if the post in question has likes ticked I am not navel gazing and talking just about my own contributions ( which cover a fairly wide range of territory ) but so many others - seem to be one of that very few that responds to a thread or post put up by anyone .... it doesnt add up since certainly there has got to be more people who take some interest beyond just viewing on any subject - even if it is within their own area of interest - never been on a site so silent and uncurious and uncommunicative - not even taking opposition or deference to other peoples posts - truly dont understand - again - I repeat I am not just talking about my own postings etc I notice many people must be a bit frustrated with lack of engagement no,matter what their paticular interests are - curious -and I expect this post will be ignored even if 1000 people look at it - I hope I am wrong and have misread the room because things get a bit stale if no one q&a 's anything - no one responds much to anyone else - might as well just scribble in a diary and leave copies out somewhere it can possibly be found and read by someone you will never know has looked at it -- strange


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Aug 26, 2024
I will give just a very few examples of what I am talking about - these are threads I didnt start but have at least added to but there is plethora of similar examples in any subject area that the statistics are pretty similar - look but dont engage
INTroDuce yourself - pretty broad scoped thread is it not? it has been perused 76,000 times - responses ? 255. That is just weird.
Another Thread - Music You Like while having sex? pretty broad territory - 3000 perusals - 9 count em NINE responses
Rocky Horror Outrage - about the original film/play and the sad attempt of a tv adaptation - perhaps niche subject but I dont know many people who havent seen it ( the original) or know a lot about it or at least curious about its long standing popularity - 5000 views - 9 responses
I just cherry picked these examples off one page - the story is the same right across every forum area - It seems very very odd that people have such a low response to anything


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May 20, 2013
I’d guess there are loads of lurkers. Maybe people are shy and haven’t come to terms with their kinks yet.

there is also times where this place gets flooded with scammers

i think there is also fear of being told you aren’t doing kink right. That’s happened on other sites.
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Aug 26, 2024
Now lets talk about Squeeky Balloon Fetish, Sex with mops, underwear tumbler dryer racing, cock roaches, ( tryingto throw in key words to garner a look in for the curious or who knows officiadado of some of these mythological activities - although I think there is definitely a ballon thing - please anyone who actually reads this ridiculous post read the couple of posts I put in preceding this one - lets get some more KEY words to spread the net - FUn with Gum Balls - Waxing Poetic - Scrotum Bouncing - BIG Boobed muskrat juggling - tarnished HEAL ed clown watching - FANTASY Cream Pie tossing ( with real WHIP ping cream - LEATHER and LACE curtain fucking - RUBBER diaper chafing contests - READ Preceding POSTS and give some sort of response!!!! - I will finish my list of potential eye grabbers with Floral PANTIES vs LATEX long johns competions


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Aug 26, 2024
I’d guess there are loads of lurkers. Maybe people are shy and haven’t come to terms with their kinks yet.

there is also times where this place gets flooded with scammers

i think there is also fear of being told you aren’t doing kink right. That’s happened on other sites.
Thank You so much for the response - that is a reasonable assessment I was truly beginning to wonder about the people who visit this site


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Dec 6, 2015
Depending on the age is each post you’re seeing total views. So if it’s been open since 2015 like some of the ones I have seen you reply on. Then yes after 9 yrs lots of views. Newer posts not so much as the site traffic is small compared to fet.

As to why not many comment. I view a post for many reasons. If I have something to contribute to the post then I reply. If I don’t have anything to contribute but still enjoy the post I hit the like button. If it is something that just isn’t my thing then I don’t reply and I don’t like.

Now a step further as to why less replies…. any females here likely don’t reply to posts as it’s an open invitation showing they are active and the thirsty fuck boys come out flooding their private messages. Have seen a sub female post a content reply about a discussion to then see thirsty fuck boys come out with “hey baby you want a master” or insert any other dribble of dick thinking thirst. Knowing that many did it publicly means 10x as many likely private messaged that lady as well. I have seen this first hand here and on fet as well I’ve spoken to many subs who can confirm exactly this.


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Aug 26, 2024
Depending on the age is each post you’re seeing total views. So if it’s been open since 2015 like some of the ones I have seen you reply on. Then yes after 9 yrs lots of views. Newer posts not so much as the site traffic is small compared to fet.

As to why not many comment. I view a post for many reasons. If I have something to contribute to the post then I reply. If I don’t have anything to contribute but still enjoy the post I hit the like button. If it is something that just isn’t my thing then I don’t reply and I don’t like.

Now a step further as to why less replies…. any females here likely don’t reply to posts as it’s an open invitation showing they are active and the thirsty fuck boys come out flooding their private messages. Have seen a sub female post a content reply about a discussion to then see thirsty fuck boys come out with “hey baby you want a master” or insert any other dribble of dick thinking thirst. Knowing that many did it publicly means 10x as many likely private messaged that lady as well. I have seen this first hand here and on fet as well I’ve spoken to many subs who can confirm exactly this.
Cheers for the reply. The female problem I totally understand they tend to get plagued on any site so dont blame them at all for being gun shy. Very glad I have had a couple of responses to my post on this. Both with quite reasonablt explanations. thank you.
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Mar 6, 2016
Definitely second sebzzzero's opinion. One thing that's a bit of a turn off for me which stops me from replying is entitlement though. Like I am a Mistress/Dom I deserve to be worshipped. Or I am sharing my experiences, I deserve to be validated.

At the end of the day this is an online forum, so when posting here I would set my expectations accordingly. Huge kudos to the mods here who at least prevent spam like reddit. I prefer a desert to a garbage filled landfill.
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Apr 15, 2011
Completely in agreement with @subzzzero (absolute hero BTW 🙌).

I try not to resurrect old threads, repeat myself or try and get involved in things I don't know enough about... However any time I do find a thread where I feel I can make a meaningful contribution, I will expend a lot of thought and effort to it x

KT has never been a wildly thriving site, but I find it very much a case of quality over quantity, and a lot "safer" than busier places I have tried


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Aug 26, 2024
Completely in agreement with @subzzzero (absolute hero BTW 🙌).

I try not to resurrect old threads, repeat myself or try and get involved in things I don't know enough about... However any time I do find a thread where I feel I can make a meaningful contribution, I will expend a lot of thought and effort to it x

KT has never been a wildly thriving site, but I find it very much a case of quality over quantity, and a lot "safer" than busier places I have tried
Actually I am about the same except when I am relatively new to a site I post a lot and resurrect some threads if they interest me and there are no recent threads in the same vein. I also know my main fetish/ kink is not high on the popularity list and for me can get a bit stale because of that and can be like a dog chasing its own tale. I also have a history of joining forums when I am between relationships so a lot of what I post about is more historical than current. I am never looking for hook ups on line just chat which further narrows response levels except for doms looking for business and I need something less ingenuous. I have nothing against them I just prefer connect with ordinary public. I have engaged with the more professional types before and it kind of falls flat with me because it feels like a script rather than an ad hoc interplay.
So far as far as chat opportunities have gone they are pretty much non existant as I have only had two who were'nt pro doms and the other two did not tick any of my boxes nor could I tick theirs. One was only interested in pics of my girlfriend and the other misunderstood my sph fetish and was wanting something from me I am not into.
I rarely fish directly for conversations unless there is a response to any of my posts or comments on other peoples posts that suggest they may be amenable and then I only request once and if they dont respond I never chase them up. A door has yet to open and I havent seen any windows ( except for the one where the conversation from the other side wasnt going anywhere and it was obvious I wasnt into what they wanted from me. )
I look at a lot of kinky things that are outside my personal experiences or even fantasies that others are into out of curiosity but also to perhaps tweek a new interest or previously unexplored territory that relates to my personal kinks or blossoms into a new one. An example of this is how I got into the cuck thing - never imagined engaging in that before but the sph thrill was too strong to not give it a go. I also want to wear panties the next time I enjoy some sex that is not just solo. I have never done that but the draw is very stong as well. There are a few other things that are on my radar due to my fetish which I would like to explore but I only garnered interest from reading other peoples posts..

Naughty nova

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Jun 10, 2023
I don't post very often because like subzerrro said I get flooded with Doms some demanding I tell them whatever it is they want to know. And also I am so new I get intimidated on posting anything since I just don't feel I know enough. I have gotten braver recently. I know for me I don't want to put all my fetish out there for fear

of a crap ton of Doms dm me. When I first joined I had a bunch of copy and paste messages asking

Biggest kink
Breast size
Craziest place I've had sex
Things like that and demanding I be honest.

So yes I read but I don't always post because of that.
Also I am not always sure how to respond sometimes I just can't organize my thoughts enough to feel I can contribute. Also if someone already said what I would want to add I just hit like.


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Sep 2, 2014
There is also something to be said for (as you listed) the sheer quantity of absurdly niche fetishes that fall under "kink"
any thread discussing things not immediately culturally cool to talk about (even in kink) would be subjected to an eternal hell of "nobody posts here for years because very few people relate, then one guy comes through and posts having found the buried thread with search due to their absurdly niche fetish, then the thread sits idle for another year, repeat."
I have nothing against these kinksters, they like what they like, but you cannot expect everybody to participate in every niche fetish thread, and conversely because these things have a lot of "wow factor" they get a ton of views over time.


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Sep 7, 2024
Now lets talk about Squeeky Balloon Fetish, Sex with mops, underwear tumbler dryer racing, cock roaches, ( tryingto throw in key words to garner a look in for the curious or who knows officiadado of some of these mythological activities - although I think there is definitely a ballon thing - please anyone who actually reads this ridiculous post read the couple of posts I put in preceding this one - lets get some more KEY words to spread the net - FUn with Gum Balls - Waxing Poetic - Scrotum Bouncing - BIG Boobed muskrat juggling - tarnished HEAL ed clown watching - FANTASY Cream Pie tossing ( with real WHIP ping cream - LEATHER and LACE curtain fucking - RUBBER diaper chafing contests - READ Preceding POSTS and give some sort of response!!!! - I will finish my list of potential eye grabbers with Floral PANTIES vs LATEX long johns competions
I love this. Yes sometime the website is eerily quiet. People are scared. Give them hope and maybe if enough of us show up we can fight the tide of ghosts.


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Feb 10, 2024
KT it's very good site. Yes have some scammers trash that bothering the forum ( us) and make most of us to not get into discussion because of them. We ( including me) prefer to read and watching only. For the messages reply? Ignore or delete. Simple.
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Jun 10, 2014
I'm on my phone so my write up might be a bit fucked.

I see different issues:

There is an insane amount of low effort posts. Those make the forum unpleasant to go through. All you can do really is sort by new and hope for the best.

Those low effort posts drown down all good posts.

These low effort posts come from all genders. Subs asking for punishment without giving any context and doms ignoring all context given and writing super uncreative vanilla tasks. And many of the subs who ask for tasks never reply to any of the tasks given even when they were effort posts.

The next issue is the spam. Any girl posting anything will get tons of pms. Any femal e sub will get tons of "doms" approach them when in reality must of them are not doms but rather just horny boys.

That makes actually interesting subs less willing to post content. And actually good/ creative doms less likely to put effort into their posts.

There is light on the end of the tunnel though. Effort posts are worth it if you are consistent. I have posts from 7 years ago which still bring me subs for online play on a regular basis. It doesn't happen every week. But the silent majority here is reading and not posting. If you post high quality stuff though, your pms will be filled with time.

If you want to revive the forum, post high quality stuff. Give girls an enjoyable space to post and do stuff. Once you have the girls active again, the boys will follow naturally.

If you want to get more attention for yourself, post high quality stuff but understand that you do not so that for the others in the forum primarily but rather for the ones just reading. Make it easy for them to reach you by having your kik or sc in your signature or account

Naughty nova

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Jun 10, 2023
I agree. There are so many generic posts with very low effort that it can be overwhelming at times to even bother sifting through them. It's sad really because I do feel we lose some of the genuine people here because they get tires of constant sifting through all the pay for play, fuck boys or girls, the low effort ones, and the demanding one liners.

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