Some reasons why submissives are more common (in addition to being someone's organic choice)
1. Conditioning is a major factor like Doc said
2. I have also realised that just like there are wannabe Doms looking for quick thrill, there are fake subs too who just want get off instructions etc from someone and there are more fake subs than Doms as faking being a sub requires less effort vis a vis (self gratification)
3. Newbies to kinks often start as submissives for obvious reasons and some of them actually naturally progress to exploring their Dominant side once they have explored submission. But since, many people don't stick to exploring kinks for longer periods of time, their interests often fizzle out before they reach that stage.
Personal take on which is easier:
I agree with
@J91 that Dominance often requires greater responsibility and planning however like Doc and some others said one's personality type and skill-set can compensate for it to not seem like a chore. On the other hand like others have mentioned, submission when taken seriously can actually be mentally (and physically) demanding on someone which can only be relieved by the right Dominant. So none is outrightly easier than the other.
We seem to have a consensus on the fact that what is easier is actually a subjective issue which boils down to individual personalities and their personal dynamics/relationships, however personally from my short stint at Domination,
I have figured that Domination while not linearly comparable, but when done conscientiously does pose certain distinct challenges which many a times require being the bigger person with a more mature outlook and a more advanced skill-set than submission does. (Please note that I am still exploring domination at an early stage and do not attack me with pitchforks for my views pretty please). Following are some of my personal observations or a 1o1 on differences I noticed having explored both (not an exhaustive list by any chance) to substantiate this outlook.
1. As a sub it is sometimes easy or alright (honestly something I have observed other subs do especially after the end of a dynamic) to point out/talk about the shortcomings of your Dom to others in a present or past relationship that fell short of their expectations (and I am not judging but just stating to make a point of difference). However the reverse is not true, as a Dominant it is difficult as
you always see yourself as a protector, a confidant, a forgiver and it is also unethical to break someone's immense trust in you even after termination, a trust that you earned and cherished so much.
2. A sub can act immaturely, act out for want of attention, the Dom is not at a liberty to act out and always has to act maturely (Note that maturely is not the same as seriously or lacking playfulness). They have to worry/be responsible about the mental well being of the sub as well along with their own and oddly they also need to practice more restraint as
to control you need to be in control too.
3. Any good dominant would always promote the sub to be vocal of their needs (maybe there will be a system they will put into effect to facilitate this like a sub's journal etc) and pay heed to the subs needs. However it is
difficult for a Dom to be vocal about their own needs when the focus of the dynamic for both the Dom and the sub is the sub. Out of the subs that I have had so far, the ones with prior experience as a Dominant have always seemed more considerate about my needs, issues and perspective as a Dominant and a human too imo.
4. When things don't work effectively on either side, the
residual responsibility to take initiative to communicate (eg. locating problem areas and solving them with clarity, farsightedness and maturity so the dynamic is effective) also almost always falls on the shoulders of an ethical Dom imo where their decisions shouldn't reflect selfish interests but
do what's mutually best. It is
not that a submissive is in anyways inadequate to do all this, but crudely put in a sexist way, it is kind of a division of labour that power exchange dynamics often facilitate but since one size doesn't fit all, exceptions exist!
I hope I haven't overwhelmed people with my posts here. Like
@Lilly131 said, an interesting topic with possibly many right answers
So Please don't end this discussion here, look forward to more discussion, reading different opinions and personal experiences on this topic